Soho Markets is a regulated entity and we are subject to strict compliance requirements, we abide by the regulations and take all the required procedures to safeguard client’s funds.
In financial trading, a segregated account is an account in which the trader’s assets are kept separate from the broker’s assets. Segregated accounts are crucial to CFD trading.
At Soho Market, client’s funds are segregated and safeguarded by reputable Credit Institutions.
These funds are off the balance sheet and cannot be used to pay back creditors in the unlikely event of the default of the Company.
The ICF’s purpose is to safeguard the claims of the covered clients against those Cyprus Investment Firms which belong to the ICF, by paying these clients compensation in the case that a CIF is unable to fulfill its obligations:
Either to return to its covered clients funds owed to them or funds which belong to them but are held by the member, directly or indirectly, in the framework of the provision by the said member to the said clients of covered services, and which the latter requested the member to return, in exercise of their relevant right
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本網站由V&S集團運營,公司已在全球多個地區獲得多項許可: • Vstar & Soho Markets Ltd (塞浦路斯) • Soho Markets Global Limited (毛里求斯) • Soho Markets LLC (聖文森特和格林納丁斯)
Vstar & Soho Markets Ltd由塞浦路斯證券和交易委員會( CySEC )頒發許可證,許可證號為409/22
Soho Markets Global Limited由毛里求斯金融服務委員會( FSC )頒發企業執照,執照號為GB21026599
Soho Markets LLC在聖文森特和格林納丁斯註冊為國際商業公司( International Business Company ),註冊號為1310 LLC 2021 。
風險提示:差價合約( CFDs )是複雜的工具,由於槓桿加持,會給您帶來較高的迅速虧損風險。請您考慮是否了解差價合約( CFDs )的原理,以及是否能夠承擔較高的虧損風險。請閱讀完整的風險披露
區域限制: SOHO MARKETS GLOBAL LIMITED不為美國、加拿大、以色列、日本、朝鮮、比利時和聯合國/歐盟制裁國家提供服務